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orion With many thanks

We at the Orion Center wish to graciously thank the people who have 
given to us of their work. Their support continues the development of 
the Orion Center for ongoing scholars. We welcome any futher gifts of 
offprints or books. Please send  them to: 
ORION CENTER, Rm 6310 Humanities Building; The Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus Campus Jerusalem 91905 Israel.  To see all 
donations please refer to the web page 

Brian Kvasnica
Internet Site Manager

Gratefully, we acknowledge below the people who have most recently
donated to the Orion Center Library: 

Hershel Shanks:
    B. E. Wacholder and M.G. Abegg, A Preliminary Edition of the
Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew and Aramaic Texts from Cave Four.
Fascile One, Three, and Four: Concordance of Fascicles 1-3. Biblical
Archeology Society, 1991.
    Eisenman, R. H. and J. M. RobinsonA Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea
Scrolls Vols. 1-2. Biblical Archeology Society, 1991.
    Shanks, Hershel (ed.) Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls Random
House, 1992.

Stephen Pfann: 
    Tov, E. with S. J. Pfann, The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: Compaion
    S. Pfann, "4Q298: The Maskil's Address to all Sons of Dawn" JQR
LXXXV, No. 1-2 (July-October, 1994) 203-235.
    S. Pfann, "4QDaniel(d) (4Q115): A Preliminary Edition with Critical
Notes" Revue de Qumran December 1996 Num 65-68 Tome 17.
    S. Pfann, "The Aramaic Text and Language of Daniel and Ezra in the
Light of Some Manuscripts from Qumran" Textus Vol XVI, 1991.