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Re: orion-list Philo and pacifism of Essenes

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----- Original Message -----
From: George Brooks <george.x.brooks@Juno.Com>
To: <orion@mscc.huji.ac.il>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 4:38 AM
Subject: orion-list Philo and pacifism of Essenes

> If we follow the logic of the War Scroll, women had to
> be kept separate form "pure" men so that the angels would
> be able to fight along side the males in holy jihad.  The
> question remains as to whether the Jewish "masses" had any
> idea about the War Scroll, or whether it was one of those top,
> top secrets of the Doers of Torah/Doers of War.


It is less the logic of the scroll in special but the logic of the ancient
art of war in general which on principle explains the absence of women from
the terror of close combat, the slaughter in archaic hand-to-hand fighting
after the initial collision of the hosts, heavenly or not:

So crowded together were the dead that the corpses of the slain, propped up
by the sheer mass, were not able to find space to fall over. One soldier in
front of me, with his head cleaved - a strong sword thrust had sliced it
into equal parts - pressed in on all sides, stood erected like a tree stump.
(Ammianus 18.8.12)

And no question remains whether the War Scroll - an internal tractate
addressed to the Maskil - was known to the Many or not: The missing of
causes of war requires their common rating within the yachad, i.e.,
knowledge about the Book of Jubilees.


For private reply, e-mail to "Dierk van den Berg" <haGalil@gmx.net>
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