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orion-list Orion Center Announcements

Dear List Members,

	During Avital's absence, I have been asked to post a few items about
upcoming Orion Center Activities.

	On this Friday, December 17th, at the Pontifical Biblical Institute,
from 10:30-12 AM, Prof. Serge Rogire of the Hebrew University will be
lecturing (in English) on the topic, "The Kingdom of God and the End of
Days in Second Temple Literature."

	Next Wednesday, December 22nd, Prof Devora Dimant will deliver a
lecture as part of the Greenfield Scholars Seminar. The lecture, to be
given in Hebrew, will begin at 12:15, in Room 4121 of the Humanities
Building of the Mount Scopus Campus of the Hebrew University. The topic
of her lecture is "A New Apocalyptic Writining from Qumran - The
Apocryphon of Jeremiah."

	Finally, the final schedule of the Fifth International Symposium on
"Prayer and Poetry in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls" will be available
on the Orion Center website early next week (when Avital returns).

Michael Segal
Coordinator of Academic Programs, Orion Center

For private reply, e-mail to Michael Segal <msegal@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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