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orion Rothschild Symposia


The Institute for Advanced Studies at The Hebrew University announces

          The 8th Jerusalem Summer School in Jewish Studies

                             JEWISH LEARNING

23 June - 2 July, 1998

Director: Isadore Twersky (z'al)
Co-director:  Isaiah Gafni


Jan Assmann, University of Heidelberg
Anthony Grafton, Princeton University
Albert Baumgarten, Bar Ilan University
Abraham Grossman, Hebrew University
Moshe Idel, Hebrew University
Marc Hirschmann, Hebrew University
Israel Bartal, Hebrew University
Elhanan Reiner, Tel Aviv University
T. Elor, Hebrew University
Immanuel Etkes, Hebrew University
David Ruderman, University of Pennsylvania
Israel Gafni, Hebrew University
Shaul Stampfer, Hebrew University
Tamar El-Or, Hebrew University

This School  will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Isadore Twersky,
the former Director of the Summer School.

The Eighth Summer School will address the broad range of contexts, systems
and impulses that contributed to the dissemination of Jewish knowledge over
the generations. Alongside the formal structures for Jewish education, the
sessions will also analyze the various channels through which Jewish learning
was pursued, and the changing roles of orality and literacy in the shaping of
Jewish culture and, by extension, Jewish society as well. Comparative studies
on the history of education and the classical tradition of scholarship and
learning in the west will attempt to place the school's deliberations in a
broader perspective. We will also explore the history of books and readers.
Among the questions to be raised: What constituted the Jewish 'curriculum' in
different periods and in different cultural and social contexts? How was
knowledge disseminated? What were the social factors and considerations of
gender that generated interest in particularspheres of culture? How did
interaction between Jews and non-Jews determine the contents and formats for
Jewish intellectual activity? What was the impact of technological innovation
(e.g. the printing press) as well as changing political realities (e.g. 
emancipation;  Zionism) on the nature and content of Jewish learning? Each
session will consist of a lecture as well as close readings and discussions
of relevant texts, conducted in a seminar format. Participants will be
supplied in advance with bibliographical materials for each of the sessions. 

Applications: The School is intended for advanced graduates and post-doctoral
students. Registration fees; $260. Hotel accommodation:  $462. Scholarships
covering substantial portions of travel and accommodation are available to
qualified candidates. Candidates must send a C.V., an abstract of research
interests & a Letter of Recommendation. For application forms write to: The
Jerusalem Summer School, Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram 91904, ISRAEL. Fax; 972-2-6523429. E-mail:
advanc@vms.huji.ac.il APPLICATION DEADLINE: 20 April 1998 .