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Re: orion-list Qumran cemeteries, an important new article

Dear Dr. Juergen Zangenberg,

Hello again and thanks for your bibliographic notes. Since these two
publications are not yet available in libraries here, could you tell us
something about their contents--e.g., C14 results, perhaps?

Further, I wonder whether you now think that your earlier Qumran Chronicle
article (v.8 n.3 [1999] 213-8, "The 'Final Farewell'. A Necessary Paradigm
Shift in the Interpretation of the Qumran Cemetery") might have prematurely
announced a "paradigm shift" (e.g., p. 218: "Grant the 'Essenes' on the
Qumran cemetery their final farewell!")?

Since we agree, as I recall, that the Essenes of Pliny's source did not
live at Y. Hirschfeld's Ein Gedi site, where would you say they did live?

By the way, addressed to all, can we agree that Thomas S. Kuhn, author of
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, disapproved of use of his
"paradigm" analysis outside of the history of science? And that he and Karl
Popper, who advocated "falsifiability," quite disagreed with one another?
In other words, these two scholars do not easily harmonize--unless,
perhaps, one appeals to the name of the early Qumran Essenes scholar, Karl
Kuhn?  :-)

Stephen Goranson
Durham, NC

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