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orion-list Re: orion-digest Ps 110

Dear dave,
Ps 110 ist not attested at all in the Qumran Ps-manuscripts. frgm. d belongs to
the broken and destroyed (?) beginning of the scroll, about col. IV of the
reconstructed scroll. Before Ps 109, in four fragments of two col. and one
missing col, there are Ps 101-103. Ps 109 is followed either by Ps 118 (to
reconstruct in the col. containing fragm. d and) in fragm. E, published by
Yadin in Textus 1966 and by Sanders in his IThaca/NY - publication of the
scroll, or by two totally missing col. with Ps 113-118,24. Flint has tried to
reconstruct Ps 110 with Ps 113-118 in these two missing col.s, but U. Glessmer
(in a communication offered at a symposium in Schwerte, Germany, 1998) has
shown, that on material reasons Ps 110 has no place in a reconstruction of
these two col.s. Furthermore, (not only ) in my mind on historical (Ps 110 may
be made/developed about 110 B.C.E. or later!) and theological/ideological (the
Psalms theme is the priesthood in Jerusalem!) reasons this psalm could not be
accepted by the Qumran commmunity.In 4 QPs f  Ps 109 is followed by the
Apostrophe to Zion and two other apocryphal pss.  The reconstructed citation of
Ps 110,2b in 4 Q 183,1,II,9 is in no way sure.
Best wishes            Ulrich Dahmen

> Dave Washburn wrote:
> 11QPs(a), the very odd Psalms scroll, lacks Psalm 110.  However,
> fragment D includes the latter half of Psalm 109.  I'm wondering
> what the latest theories are about placement of this fragment, and
> how likely it is that Psalm 110 did exist somewhere near it in a
> portion of the scroll that hasn't survived?  It takes me about 2
> weeks to get access to the DJD volume, and I'm hoping somebody
> has it handy and can do a quick check on this for me?  Thanks,

For private reply, e-mail to Ulrich Dahmen <uzr60012@uni-bonn.de>
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