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Re: orion-list Essenes, Zias article, etc.

> Let me hasten to add that I have not claimed that any Copper Scroll treasure 
> has definitely been recovered, merely that the sizes of actual shekel hoards 
> of the period are in the weight range for the treasures using the kaf kaf = 
> karsh proposal of Dr. Lefkovits, a fact unknown to him when he made it.  I 
> think that this tends to confirm his suggestion.  While Dr. Lefkovits' 
> dissertation has not yet been published by Brill, I consulted it in microfilm 
> blowback form.

As Editor of the Series Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 
(Brill, Leiden), I want to precise that the dissertation of Lefkovits 
has already been published (in a thourough revised and shortened 
form, which explains the dealy). The book was present at Brill 
stand during the Boston meeting of the SBL, and it has since them 
been distributed to all subscriberss to the Series.

Florentino García Martínez
Qumran Institute - University of Groningen, NL 

For private reply, e-mail to "F. Garcia Martinez" <F.Garcia.Martinez@theol.rug.nl>
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