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Re: orion-list Re: Dumb questions department.; builders of the wall

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Jim says, that

> The reason folk dont render it accurately is because they are most likely
> not rendering at all.  Instead, they are reading what someone else has
> written without bothering to look at the texts themselves.  In other
> too many people are dependent on secondary sources.  Scholarship cannot
> proceed on that basis however.

Is that the cause for the mass of bibliographical references and footnotes
in scholarly works?
How does the exchange of knowledge between different disciplines work?
Should the one call the other "Master" with a devote ko-tao?
And what is accuracy worth? "Fuehrer" means "leader", but we all know what
is meant.
Quid quid recipitur, semper ad modum recipientis recipitur.
But possibly s. o. likes to build a new wall around the scholarly ivory

For variety in unity,


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