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Re: orion-list Re: turn of discussion

Tom Simms wrote:
>On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 02:24:14 -0500, goranson@duke.edu writes:
>>  I also noticed that the "hello" from "Bruce W, Davison" was from Ian.
>   Would you be good enough to tell ME, or the List, how you know that?

Stephen Goranson was referring to a private letter that I wrote to him and
to Greg Doudna. Both of them apparently thought that they were reading a
posting from me on Orion. 

I'm concerned about the tone of the list lately. Ad hominem comments are
forbidden (if it's not in the rules, then I'll write it in tomorrow). I'm
not going to bother writing individual letters at this point. This is a
general message to calm down, take a breather and don't post anything
unless it advances the discussion.



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