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orion Edinburgh DSS program and registration

These pages may also be found at http://www.div.ed.ac.uk/DSSHC
There are contact addresses at the end of this posting, for further 
information on the Edinburgh conference.

Avital Pinnick


The Dead Sea Scrolls in their Historical Context

5-6 May 1998
Faculty of Divinity, 
The University of Edinburgh

Conference Programme

Tuesday, 5 May


9.30-10.50 	Registration, Coffee and Book Display (Rainy Hall)


11.00  	Opening Welcome (Martin Hall)
  Sir Stewart Sutherland, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of

I. The Qumran Community, Essenes and other Sects
  Marginal group or main party?  Isolated association or influential

11.10-12.00 	Plenary Session (Martin Hall)
           Prof. E. P. Sanders, Duke University
  "The Dead Sea Sect and other Jews: Commonalities, overlaps,

12.10-1.00 	Seminar (Martin Hall).  Convener: Prof. Geza Vermes,


1.00-2.00 	Lunch and Book Display (Rainy Hall)

Section A  	In the Chair: Prof. John Richardson (Martin Hall)

2.00-2.30	Prof. Philip Alexander, University of Manchester
  'Community Rules--Jewish, Christian and Pagan: The Problem of the 
  Genre and Function of the Serekh ha-Yahad'

2.30-3.00	Prof. Philip Davies, University of Sheffield
  'Judaisms in the Dead Sea Scrolls'

3.00-3.30	Dr. Timothy Lim
  'The Development of the Qumran Community'

Section B  	In the Chair: Dr. A. Peter Hayman (Lecture Room 1)

2.00-2.30	Dr. Charlotte Hempel, University of Cambridge
  'The Place of the Book of Jubilees at Qumran and Beyond'

2.30-3.00	Dr. Daniel Falk, University of Oxford
   'Community Order in the Parabiblical Texts'

3.00-3.30	Mr. James Harding, University of Sheffield
  'The Word-Play Between the Roots ksl and skl in the Literature
   of the Yahad'


3.30-4.00 	Tea and Book Display (Rainy Hall)

II. The Qumran biblical Texts and the Masoretic Text
  Was there a standard biblical text and how does it relate to the
  Masoretic 				Text?

4.10-5.00 	Plenary Session (Martin Hall)
   Prof. Eugene Ulrich, University of Notre Dame 
  'The Qumran Biblical Scrolls--the Scriptures of Late Second Temple

5.10-6.00 	Seminar (Martin Hall).  Convener: Prof. A. Graeme Auld


6.10-7.15 	Dinner (Rainy Hall)

7.30 	 	Coach to Glasgow (Meeting Point: John Knox Statue)

8.45-10.00 	Reception at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Visit to the DSS
Exhibit.  			Welcome by Mr. Julian Spalding, Director of the Glasgow

10.00	 	Return to Edinburgh and Carberry

Wednesday, 6 May


9.00-9.25 	Coffee and Book Display (Rainy Hall)

Section A  	In the Chair: Prof. John C. Gibson (Martin Hall) 

9.30-10.00	Prof. Julio Trebolle Barrera, Complutense Universidad,
  'How biblical are the Qumran Parabiblical Texts?'

10.00-10.30	Prof. George J. Brooke, University of Manchester
  'E pluribus unum: textual variety and definitive interpretation in
  the Qumran scrolls'

Section B  	In the Chair: Dr. David Reimer (Lecture Room 1) 

9.30-10.00	Prof. Calum Carmichael, Cornell University
  'The Prohibition concerning Marriage to Two Women in CD 4:21'

10.00-10.30	Dr. Sacha Stern, Jews' College, London
  'Qumran Calendars: Theory and Practice'		


10.30-11.00 	Coffee and Book Display (Rainy Hall)

III. Sectarian Law and Normative Jewish Law?
  Should the legal traditions in the Qumran scrolls be described as

11.10-12.00 	Plenary Session (Martin Hall)
           Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University
  'Halakah and Sectarianism in the Qumran Scrolls'

12.10-1.00 	Seminar (Martin Hall).  Convener: Dr. Timothy H. Lim

1.00-2.00 	Lunch and Book Display (Rainy Hall)

Section A	In the Chair: Dr. David Mealand (Martin Hall)

2.00-2.30	Prof. James C. VanderKam, University of Notre Dame
  'Sabbatical Chronologies in the Scrolls and Related Literature'

2.30-3.00	Dr. James Davila, University of St. Andrews
  'The Dead Sea Scrolls and Merkavah Mysticism'

Section B	In the Chair: Dr. Ian Macdonald (Lecture Room 1)

2.00-2.30	Dr. Alison Jack
  `Tree of Life Re-Sprout: Renewal and Resurrection in Selected
  Qumran Texts'

2.30-3.00	Dr. Hakan Ulfgard, Lund University
  'The Branch in the Last Days: Observations on the New Covenant
  before 			and after the Messiah'			

IV. Doctrine and Theology of the Qumran Community
  How typical are the Qumran community's eschatological and messianic

3.10-4.00 	Plenary Session (Martin Hall)
       Prof. John J. Collins, University of Chicago
  'The Nature of Messianism in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls'.


4.00-4.30 	Tea and Book Display (Martin Hall)

4.40-5.30 	Seminar (Martin Hall).  Convener: Prof. Larry Hurtado


6.00		Faculty of Divinity Drinks Reception (Rainy Hall)

6.15		Host: Prof. Duncan Forrester, Dean of the Faculty of Divinity
(Rainy 				Hall)

7.00 		Dinner (Rainy Hall)

8.00		Concert: City of Edinburgh Music School (Rainy Hall)

An International Conference on
The Dead Sea Scrolls in their Historical Context

5-6 May 1998
Faculty of Divinity,
University of Edinburgh

Registration Form 

Last Name...................................  First name in full
....................................... Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms (circle the
appropriate title)

Academic Institution

Mailing Address

Telephone Number .................................................

Fax Number

E-Mail Address ...................................................... 

Date and time of arrival at the conference
 Registration 	(Please indicate for which of the following you wish to

Conference fee
Full fee: stlg30 (before 3 March); stlg40 (after 3 March)	........

Concessionary fee (students, senior citizens): 
 stlg24 (before 3 March); stlg32 (after 3 March)	........

The Conference fee covers: attendance at all lectures and seminars,
conference wallet, handouts, drinks reception,  a private viewing of
the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery, and
the concert.


Lunch on 5 May (stlg6)	........
           on 6 May (stlg6)	........

Dinner on 5 May (stlg12)	........
            on 6 May (stlg12)	........

Please specify here if you have any special dietary requirements
 (e.g. kosher, vegetarian or vegan)

Visit to the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition and Reception  at the
Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow on 5 May.  Departure from New
College by private coach at 7.30pm sharp and return to Edinburgh
between 10 and 11pm. Entrance to the Exhibition is free for all
registered participants of the Conference.

The cost of the return fare is stlg5.	........ 

 Total	........


Information may be obtained from the Edinburgh Tourist Board, 3
Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2QP; tel: 0131 473 3855. 

Please send a cheque in Pounds Sterling payable at a British bank or a
money order for the whole amount made out to "Dead Sea Scrolls
 Dead Sea Scrolls Conference, 
 Faculty of Divinity, 
 Mound Place, 
 Scotland EH1 2LX

Contact numbers: tel. (0)131 650 8919; fax: (0)131 650 6579; email:
alisonj@div.ed.ac.uk or limt@ed.ac.uk