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orion BAR ILAN Univ. Colloquium: "Sacrifice: A Comparative Inquiry"

Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Jewish Studies

Jacob Taubes Minerva Center
for Religious Anthropology

Fourth International
Taubes Center Colloquium


February 23-26, 1998

February 23, 1998 - Neveh Ilan

8:00-9:00 First Session
A. Baumgarten (Bar Ilan) - "Opening Remarks"
S. Sered (Bar Ilan) - "Presence and Feasting, Absence and Sacrifice: 
Gender and Ritual in an Okinawan Village"
T. Sundermeier (Heidelberg) - "Sacrifice in African Traditional Religions"
S. Cooper (Bar Ilan) - "Cultural Contextualization of Sacrifice"

13:00-14:30 - Lunch

14:30-18:30 Second Session
M. Greenberg (Hebrew University) - "Sacrifice in Ezekiel: An Alternative 
to the Pentateuchal System or a Mere Variant of 
J. Milgrom (UC Berkeley) - "Were the Firstborn Sacrificed to YHWH? To 
Molek? Popular Practice or Divine Demand?"
G. Anderson (Harvard) - "Sacrifice and Cosmogony"

19:00-20:30 Dinner

February 24, 1998, at Bar Ilan University, Beck Auditorium

8:30 Departure for Bar Ilan

9:30-10:00 Greetings:
M. Kaveh, President
J. Friedlander, Rector
M. Garsiel, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies

10:00-13:00 First Session
E. Eshel (Hebrew University) - "Sacrifices and Immersions: New Light from 
Qumran and Archeology on the Purification of 
the Corpse-Contaminated Person"
M. Swarz (Ohion State) - "The Semiotics of the Priestly Vestments in 
Ancient Judaism"

13:00-14:30 Lunch

15:00-18:00 Second Session
N. Belayche (Paris) - "Sacrifice and Theory about Sacrifice during the 
'Pagan Reaction': Julian the Emperor"
B. Lang (Paderborn) - "This is My Body: Sacrificial Presentation and the 
Origins of Christian Ritual"

18:30 Return to Nevel Ilan

19:00-20:30 Dinner

February 25, 1998

9:00-13:00 First Session
D. Gershenson (Tel Aviv) - "A Reconsideration of the Diipoleia in the 
Context of the Unredeemed Firstborn of a Jenny Ass of 
Exod. 14:13 and the Beheaded Heifer of Deut. 21:1-9"
P. Varon (Tel Aviv) - "Sacrifice, Agriculture and Early Roman Law"
P. Herz (Regensburg) - "Sacrifice and Sacrificial Ceremonies in the Roman 
Army of the Imperial Period"

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-18:30 Field Trip

19:00-20:30 Dinner

February 26, 1998

9:00-13:00 First Session
T. Abusch (Brandeis) - "Aspects of Mesopotamian Sacrifice"
R. Meyer (Heidelberg) - "I Made It So That Their Hearts Cannot Forget the 
Netherworld, So That the Gods Might Receive 
Offerings: On the Theory and Practice of Sacrifice in Ancient Egypt"
A. de Jong (Leiden) - "Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Zoroastrianism: 
Representations and Reconstructions"

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-17:30 Second Session
A. Agus (Hochschule, Heidelberg) - "Self-Sacrifice in Rabbinic 
A. Baumgarten (Bar Ilan) - "Reform in a Sacrificial Context: The Reading 
of the Shema According to the Rabbis"

17:30-18:30 Concluding Discussion

19:00 Closing Dinner in Jerusalem