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Re: orion Re: Date of Scrolls Deposit--55 BCE?

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Greg Doudna wrote:

> Finally 4QMish(c), the text with the dated newspaper headlines--
> in the analogy--is a perfect fit, in that there are references to the
> key
> figures in the immediate years post-63 BCE.  (M. Wise wrongly
> translates at Mish(c) A.2.6 "Aristobulus rebels".  This should
> read as someone rebelling in the time of Hyrcanus--in the form
> ...Hyrcanus, (X) rebelled....)

    Would not the Scaurus reference eliminate John Hyrcanus(40 years
earlier) and the Shelomzion reference almost certainly
indicate Hyrcanus II?  But why would Mish C refer to him as
King unless it was shortly after Alexandra's death in 67 BCE
and before he gave the throne tp Aristobulus?  Up until
Pompey stepped in, he was trying to wrest the throne back
in the civil war between 67-63 BCE.  Fragment 2 of 4Q322
refers to this as a rebellion. This is one of the nails in the coffin
(to me) of a "Pharisee origin" for the DSS.

> It may seem that a difference of 8 calendar years is hardly
> significant for
> radiocarbon dates, i.e. the same radiocarbon objections to 63 BCE
> would apply virtually as well to 55 BCE.

    I agree, but if the event historicized in Mishmarot refersto the
period of Gabinius..within the C14 range, and considering
your C14 variation data, does that not mean that the animal
who supplied the leather was alive sometime between 57-54 BCE?
Do we not then have to allow for an immediate use of the leather
for the scroll, an immediate composition and copying of the scroll
(How many copies/scribal hands were there? 20?), and if the
rebellions against Gabinius were the context for the depositing
of the scrolls..an immediate caching of the scrolls?

    We don't know how long the scroll was "in use" after its
writing, but if your Gabinius Rebellions paradigm is correct,
and we take into account the C14 dating of the Thanksgiving
Hymns (21 BCE to 61 CE) and the similar texts found at
Masada, isn't this further evidence for an Herodian period
dating for the deposit of the scrolls and more likely the
68ish CE consensus?


D’man dith laych idneh d’nishMA nishMA
   Jack Kilmon (jpman@accesscomm.net)
