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Bib texts used devotionally

        In reply to Mark Smith's query about other texts possibly used 
        devotionally, 4Q Deut q may be one. 

             According to Josephus, copies of Ha}azinu and other Biblical 
        poems were kept in the Temple (Jos. Ant 4:303). Rabbinic  sources 
        report  that  the Levites read parts of the poem  in  the  Temple 
        while  the  Additional Offering (musaf) was being made   on  Sab-
        baths.  They  completed it over a six-week cycle and  then  began 
        again  (B.  RH 31a; P. Meg. 3:7, 74b end; see  Maimonides,  Sefer 
        Avodah,  Hilkhot  Temidin Umusafin 6:9).  Conceivably,  the  copy 
        mentioned  by Josephus was used for this purpose (cf. H.  St.  J. 
        Thackeray,  Josephus: The Man and the Historian, p.  90.).  Since 
        4QDeut q apparently contained only the poem, and was not part  of 
        a  longer  Torah scroll (see Skehan, BASOR  136  (1954):12-15),37 
        perhaps  it was used for reading the poem on some  similar  occa-
        sion,  or for teaching  the poem by heart, as Deut. 31  commands. 
        See also DJD 14 p. 79. 
        -- Jeff Tigay
Jeffrey H. Tigay (jtigay@mail.sas.upenn.edu)
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  
847 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104-6305
Tel. 215-898-6339 (messages: 215-898-7466). 