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Re: Question re LXX, DSS and MT

Yes, it happens all the the time.  4Q(paleo?)Samuel is one such instance, 
and Frank Moore Cross has written about it in "The Earliest Manuscripts 
of the Bible"."  Youmight find it in the volume <b>Qumran and the History 
of the Biblical Text</>, or reprinted in his <b>The Ancient Library of 
Qumran</> but I'm working from memory, without my books, so I'm not sure 
where it is. 

Two dissertations done under Frank Moore Cross's supervision at Harvard,
by Sidnie Ann White and Julie Duncan, on different sets of fragmentary mss
of Deuteronomy from Cave 4, assess each fragment as to whether it
resembles an LXX Vorlage, or an MT Vorlage or, sometimes, a Samaritan
Vorlage. These decisions cannot determine the nature of the whole
manuscript, however, as the results are mixed determinations on a small
number of fragments of Deuteronomy mss. Emanuel Tov's book on Textual
Criticism of the Hebrew Bible presents a good perspective. 

Also see Tov's article on Editions of Jeremiah, where the LXX is 1/7
shorter than the the MT. You can find it in Jeffrey Tigay's<b>Empirical
Models of Biblical Criticism</>. 

Sigrid Peterson   UPenn   petersig@ccat.sas.upenn.edu

According to Steven Winnett: 

> This is a general question. If it has already been asked,
> answered, and discussed on this list (to which I am new)
> my apologies.
> Are there any instances where the translation found in the
> Septuagint (LXX) is demonstrably based on the text of the
> Hebrew Bible as found in one of the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS)
> rather than as found in the Masoretic Text (MT)?
> Thank you.
> Steven Winnett