Living the Lunar Calendar:
Time, Text and Tradition

Cylinder seal depicting the god Enki/Ea with the moon and a star, on display in The Sumerian Temple Gallery at the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem. Photo: David Loggie.
30th January-1st February 2010 At the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem and Qumran


Conference Schedule





Contact Information



Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem

CAENO Foundation

Department of Bible University of Haifa

The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature
The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies
The Faculty of Humanities
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Qumran National Park Israel Nature & Parks Authority

Haifa Forum for the History of Science

Abstracts Papers Presentations

Daniel P McCarthy
The Harmonisation of the Lunar Year with the Julian Calendar by Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicea, obit ca. 282 CE. ABSTRACT

Deena Grant
The Moon and Monotheism in Ancient Israel ABSTRACT

Edoardo Detoma
An Easter Date Calendar in Ravenna. ABSTRACT

Filip Vukosavovic
To Leap or Not to Leap? – The Larsa Tablet ABSTRACT

Helen Jacobus
4Q317 Phases of the Moon: A Qumran Calendar in Code ABSTRACT

James Walton
Lunar Ceremonial Planning in the Ancient American Southwest ABSTRACT

John Steeley
Living with a lunar calendar in Mesopotamia and China ABSTRACT

Jonathan Ben-Dov
Schematizing the Lunar Calendar: Time Reckoning in the Dead Sea Scrolls ABSTRACT

Lawrence H Schiffman
From Observation to Calculation: The Development of the Rabbinic Lunar Calendar ABSTRACT

Leo Depuydt
Why Lunar Months Began a Day or so Later in Ancient Greece than in Ancient Egypt ABSTRACT

Lis Brack Bernsen
The Babylonian Calendar and the Goal-Year Method for the Prediction of Month Length ABSTRACT

Michael L Gorodetsky
Lunar Tables in Medieval Russia ABSTRACT

Naomi Rood
Time and Desire on the Homeric Shield of Achilles (Poster ABSTRACT) ABSTRACT

Patrizia Marzillo
What to do on the 30th? A Neoplatonic interpretation of Hesiods Works and Days 765-8 ABSTRACT

Philipp Nothaft
Between Crucifixion and Calendar Reform: Medieval Christian Views of the Jewish Calendar ABSTRACT

Robert Hannah
Early Greek Lunar Cycles: The Case of the Olympic Games ABSTRACT

Ron H Feldman
Taming the Wild and Wilding the Tame: The Shifting Relationships Between Humans, God and Nature in the Qumran and Rabbinic Calendars ABSTRACT

Sacha Stern
The Rabbinic New Moon Procedure ABSTRACT

Stanislaw Iwaniszewski
Telling Time with the Moon in the Americas ABSTRACT

Susan Tsumura
Adjusting calculations to the Ideal in the Chinese and Japanese Calendars ABSTRACT

Tsevi Mazeh
The Bright and Dark Sides of the Moon - Observations and (Some) Theory of the Nearest Celestial Object ABSTRACT

Wayne Horowitz
Sunday in Mesopotamia ABSTRACT

Yigal Bloch
The Middle Assyrian Lunar Calendar and Chronology ABSTRACT

Looking forward to seeing you at the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem